Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Anne Lamott and reading

It seems to me that every one of my American friends have mentioned Anne Lamott at least once to me. Her name invariably comes up in conversations about writing or books or parenting. I finally decided that I might as well read something by her, and have checked out the first book I came across in the library. I have only read a few pages, and I am already enjoying her sense of humor. I will keep going.

With kids, job, housework and all the other trappings of life, it often takes me at least a month, if not more, to finish a book. I am still glad that I find a few moments every day to read. I so enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious which book it is. I've read only one book of hers, but I had the impression that it was very different from all of her others.

Alien Mama said...

I am reading Operating Instructions, her journal from first year of her son's birth. I have updated my reading list with it. What I really wanted to read was 'Bird by Bird', but they had no copies

Anonymous said...

Oh cool, that is the one that I read! I don't think she talks about parenting in any of her other books, which is why I think that one is kind of unique.

Oh, now I want to start a conversation about what you thought about various things in the book, but I don't want to spoil anything that you haven't gotten up to yet.

I liked Lamott's style. She seemed so utterly different from me, but she explained her thoughts so clearly that I felt that her choices and beliefs made sense, even when they were utterly different from mine.

I've never read any of her other books. I'm not sure if I'd like them. I guess I should try it, though, and see.

Alien Mama said...

I am not very far into it at all - maybe 50 or so pages. I do like her style and how it seems effortless.