Friday, November 20, 2009

The new cancer directive

New guidelines for cancer screening came out a few days ago and these have understandably sparked a big debate. So we are not supposed to do a daily breast exam anymore? As Gail Collins pointed out in her op-ed - Now if dentists would just decide to withdraw the flossing directive, we may have enough additional spare time to learn Spanish.. She had breast cancer too, but it might have been caused by, as she points out, the now withdrawn directive of estrogen replacement therapy for older women. Cynicism is valid; after all for years it has been drilled into us that with cancer early detection is the key and hence, regular breast exams, mammograms and PAP smears are essential. Now all of a sudden they pop-up and go "umm, we don't think so."

My first thought on hearing the news was that the-medical-powers-that-be have also been going on and on about the usefulness H1N1 vaccine and they haven't had 10 years to study that one. As it is, I am very skeptical of medical advice these days as the drug companies have too much influence on our doctors and FDA. Every time I see an ad for Flu vaccine, I wonder who is making money from the vaccine, and is that why they are promoting is so much and can afford to pay the celebrities? I didn't get the vaccine, neither did my children but they are not little babies anymore and I feel the more the immune system gets exercised the stronger it will be, not to mention my growing fear of subtle corporate exploitation. At this rate by next year I will start questioning all vaccines - this is nuts!

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