Thursday, April 24, 2008

Food shortage

You know there has been talk for some time that we are on the brink of some very bad times - global warming, food shortages, chemicals in everything etc etc. It has finally hit home when Sam's club decides to limit rice purchases. Things must be really bad if we are going to have food rationing in the USA!

Once things start getting expensive perhaps the overboard consumerism will stop. To my kids, living in this land of plenty, nothing is precious anymore. You buy them cupcakes and they complain about the color of the frosting! That has always felt wrong to me but I don't know what the solution is. To my kids food is this ubiquitous thing, available in any shape, size and taste you want, at any time you want and there is nothing special about it. They have no respect for food or its preciousness and I don't know how to teach them this important lesson. Do I make them lead a life of deprivation just to teach them life lessons? I truly believe that hardship in life is important to grow resilient, strong and grounded human beings but can I force hardship on my own kids. Probably not but then I fail in my duty as a mother, and therein lies my dilemma. I think I will make my kids change schools every two years -that ought to force some hardship!

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