Friday, March 23, 2007

Resolving dilemmas

I recently read an article that has really taken root in my mind over time. I was flipping through a magazine in a waiting room and didn't think much of it at that time. I wish I could remember where I read it or who wrote it, so I could give credit where credit is due.

The author said that when faced with a tricky decision, her approach is to take 10 seconds to think what the impact of her decision will be in the next 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years, and the decision doesn't seem that complicated anymore. She called it her 10-10-10 rule.

I really like this 10-10-10 rule. It really helps to take my mind off short-term, and focus on long haul, and also makes short-term hardship that I have to endure for a long-term joy seem not so bad.

For example, I was wondering whether to let my girls share a room or let them have separate rooms. There are enough rooms in the house so I could go either way. The girls are still young, one is an excellent sleeper and the other not. When they are together, they can keep each other awake much longer and I have two very tired cranky children in the morning. It makes more sense to keep them in separate rooms for immediate relief. However, in the long-term sharing a room will teach them important skills in adjustment and compromise. I try not to inculcate "princess syndrome" in my girls - you know that they have to have things a certain way or they can't be comfortable. I'd prefer them to be easy going and make the best of circumstances. I also feel that sharing a room will make them closer in the long-term. Applying the 10-10-10 rule, makes the decision easy. For the next 10 months, things might be tough but much better in next 10 years. So they are sharing a room, and bedtime is crazy most days. sigh.

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